Psychologically, Malachite is the stone of transformation. The pharaohs wore it close to their heads to raise their vibrations and help them make wise decisions. Ancient legends claim that a person who drinks water from a cup made of malachite gains the magical ability to understand the language of birds and animals.
Malachite is a pure, ethereal mineral that helps the wearer to remember and renew his connection with the "Whole". It gives us the opportunity to reach our inner core.
The forest as a "rite of passage" of catharsis, insight, and maturity is present in many civilizations. Each nation's ancient myths bear the glory of a mysterious forest - a portal to a world filled with danger, where the courage of heroes is tested. According to Irish legend, Cuhullin is a mythological hero. He dreamed of training as a skilled fighter in order to attract the attention of Emer, the most beautiful maiden in Ulster. But in order to get to the mythical female warrior Scathach of the Shadowlands and train in her martial arts, he had to cross dense, untamed forests that, according to legend, devoured anyone who dared to enter them. Successfully passing through such an ordeal, the threshold of which is the forest, enables one to return stronger, purified, inspired, and ready to face life's challenges.
Is it possible to create a Virtual Malachite Forest?
Virtual Artistic Model, that completely conquers the senses of the reader/listener, giving him/her the opportunity to immerse himself/herself in the mystical atmosphere of the "Malachite Forest" and stimulate emotions, moods, thoughts, and feelings. Gradually and constructively landing at a point where one can take a step forward in decisions, actions, and conclusions in one's life. In short, a meaningful and lasting experience.
The "Malachite Forest" project answers these questions.