The Project
The "Malachite Forest" is a music album, a book, an event, a virtual space, and a social and environmental cause, united in a sustainable and synergistic project - “How to turn music and words into trees, or how to get ‘lost’ in the forest to find the path to yourself”.

This is a work that touches our senses and is a delight for them, and at the same time subtly provokes our thinking in the direction of positive change. A unique, unforgettable, and cathartic experience, placing the listener/reader in the role of the main character of the story of the “Malachite Forest” and leading him/her to the climax of catharsis. An experience that has a transformative and healing effect on the individual‘s consciousness, self-awareness, connection to nature, and achieving a sense of higher ecology! Ecology of thoughts, ecology of feelings, ecology of behavior, and relationships between people, which in turn will lead to an ecology of the world and nature.
The project leads its audience to positive transformation and serves as a role model.
- The “Malachite Forest” project will generate funds needed to support distressed forest areas. In this way, we will turn music and words into live trees!
A unique opportunity is being created for every owner of the "Malachite Forest" to be a co-author/creator of a remarkable, inspiring, and one-of-a-kind artistic, ecological, multicultural, global installation. Eventually, this work will develop, grow and attract countless other useful and creative projects and activities with its "domino effect."
Each owner of the "Malachite Forest" will receive a Certificate for a planted tree, signed by the creator of the project, Martin Ivanov.